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‘Medical Building’ star talks with ifilm

Theater stage maestro Behnam Tashakkor talks with ifilm about ‘Medical Building’ series.

Theater stage maestro Behnam Tashakkor talks with ifilm about ‘Medical Building’ series.

In an exclusive talk, the stage actor who turned to a great small screen star with ifilm hit series ‘Medical Building’ talked about his artistic career as well as inside info on the popular show.

ifilm has recently aired ‘Medical Building’ with great feedback we received from our audiences. Tashakkor stars in the series, playing the role of a clumsy psychology doctor down on his luck. 

Below are the select sections of the interview originally done in Persian.

ifilm: Mr. Tashakkor, you started with theater acting before turning to a TV series star. Did you have the feeling of perhaps not being successful at the time you wanted to do the transition?

Tashakkor: I think most of successful theater artists who opt for the small screen are those gaining success on TV or in cinema. In my case, I started going on the stage 18 years back and still think that I’m learning the ABCs of the profession. ‘Medical Building’ was a test-run for me on the small screen where I did my level best to feature the best of my performance in the series.

ifilm: After ‘Medical Building’ you began working with your acting mate ‘Houman Barqnavard’ in other series. How did you find such cooperation between you and Mr. Barqnavard?

Tashakkor: In both ‘Medical Building’ and ‘Cops and Robbers’, Barqnavard was the one carrying the load of humor in most scenes. In many cases, I couldn’t help laughing due to his performance in such scenes. Sometimes we have to repeat a scene more than 15 times.

Before ‘Medical Building’, I just had a nodding acquaintance with Houman; however, our performance gained prominence in the series and people liked to see us act together. I feel honored to have had him as my acting partner in ‘Medical Building’.

ifilm: A year after the ‘Medical Building’ series, you played in the ‘Cops and Robbers’ series with the same actors such as Ms. Shaqayeq Dehqan. This could have been a risk because of the same cast as ‘Medical Building’ and the proximity to the previous work.

Tashakkor: Yes. But our team, especially Houman and Ms. Dehqan, had the chance to know each other on the set as we already played in many sequences together. We had a good interaction with each other. The ‘Cops and Robbers’ series by no means resembles ‘Medical Building’, and Nasser’s character in ‘Cops and Robbers’ was not even close to Dr. Nima’s role in ‘Medical Building’.

